There have been upto 4 Lap Bunts in the stubble by the west car park recently including one pretty nice looking male and 1 bird was actually singing. 200+ mippets were around this weekend. There was a Wheatear at Hen Borth (Les Colley and David) yesterday and a Sand Martin (David Wright) at Cemlyn passing through. One adult Med Gull is back on the islands and there were 2 Sandwich terns new in today. Owen Roberts (Dark morph sporting Cypriot tan) was seen briefly at Lligwy yesterday, it was a rare sight of him birding in the UK!
Still Redwings around. 2 Goldcrests on the Trwyn were new in and looked rather out of place. The BH Gull colony is starting to bustle with the Golden Plover flock on the main island as well. 13 Grey Plovers still on the rocky headland.
ReplyDeleteToday Tony had 4 Sandwich terns, Wheatear and Sand Martins. There were 15 Pied Wags new in tonight and the Pair of Meds are now back on the Islands. A pair of Black Guill's are still off the Trwyn.