Saturday, 11 June 2011
Baby Birds ad Black Redstart
Superb early morning on the headland today with a few migrants still moving and lots of young birds being fed. A 1st summer male Black Redstart (presumably the same as last month) was a real surprise along the limestone wall. Other migrants included 3 flyover Crossbill, 12 Collared Dove and a Stock Dove. Family broods included 8 Chough with at least 4 juveniles amongst them, a family of 6 Ravens (4 young), 2 fully fledged broods of Stonechat, family parties of Wheatear, Meadow Pipit, Skylark, Coal Tit and by far he most numerous birds being Linnets. The 'chipping' calls the young were making being a constant feature of the limestones today - at least 5 broods present. 5 Porpoise and 30+ Gannet offshore too. Didn't want the morning to end!
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