Had three goes at trying to find the slavonian grebe on Rhyl marine lake today but no reported sighting since at least 10am. The great northern diver is still showing well despite the atrocious weather and still catching plenty of food. At one point adopted a defensive/aggressive posture when three mergansers flew close to it. Two goldeneye and a great crested grebe on the lake with lapwings and redshanks on the island. At least 2 golden plover in a large flock of lapwing overflying nearby river.
Ralph found the Slav and it was quite close to the G C Grebe.They were both on the West side of the lake there was no further sign after 9 -45.G N Diver still late pm.I saw it doing that defensive posture it was even doing it when there were no other birds near it Great to watch. J R