Despite the brisk wind making viewing difficult, last night's South Easterlies produced the following haul on the Great Orme between 6am - 10.15am today.
3 Redstarts, Whinchat, 5 Yellow Wagtails, 15+ Tree Pipits, 3 Whitethroats, 2 Lesser Whitethroats, 6 Crossbill, 250+ Redpolls (Pete Alderson reported 2 Mealies in with a flock), 10+ Willow Warbler, 60+ Greenland Wheatears and 3 Blackcap. Nearly all the birds (bar the Lesser Whitethroat and one of the Yellow Wags) were in the limestones area. 2 pairs of Black Guillemots below the cliffs surely point to breeding birds as they were all seen to fly up to the cliffs. Not a bad morning all in all.
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