Sunday, 10 June 2012
Elusive Rosefinch on Carmel Head
Spent the morning on my usual circuit of Carmel Head; just as I was about to leave the plantation I picked up an unusual song from the seaward end of the pines. It took me a few minutes before its penny dropped as to what is was - a Common Rosefinch. It was moving through the trees keeping out of sight, but sang about half a dozen times and only once, briefly, came into view just long enough to confirm it was a first year bird lacking the red of an adult. Unfortunately I neither saw or heard it again, despite searching for it for the next 2 hours. A flock of 16 x-bills, which landed briefly in the plantation where the only other birds of note.
Me and Tont tried out there in the evening with no joy. We did have an interesting looking leucistic Mistle thrush. The Plantation turns up some good birds but it has trouble holding onto them!