The superb adult Rose Coloured Starling was again showing well this morning, coming out of its roost bush at exactly 06.20, taking a little time to wake up before giving a stunning display.
Offshore at least nine Bottle nosed Dolphine gave a fantastic display offsore from the Starling site, jumping, twisting and somersaulting. Also of offshore were at leaqst 400 Gannets west in all types of plumages along with 50+ Common Scoter, 10+ manx Shearwater and lots of Fulmars, Kittiwakes, Sandwhich Terns and Auks.

Better pictures to come by Steve Culley and his super duper camera I'm sure. I've never noticed the peachy underwings on a Rosy Starling before - quite obvious when hanging on the feeders. Have a look here -
That top shot is brilliant, lovely shine on those feathers.