Sunday, 14 October 2012
Morning on the Orme
Me and Tony headed over to the Orme this morning as Robin had invited us over to see the rare Sibe he was going to catch at his new ringing station at the back of the cemetery. Two female Bramblings showed well in the bushes plus a few Redwings and lots of common finches.The ringing was a bit quiet but we did get fantastic views of Wren in the hand.As my Ritilin started to wear off we headed over to the Limestone pavement. The bunts were initially somewhat elusive but we did have a very vocal Richards Pipit flying over our heads around the end of the Orme but we never saw it land. After a while Robin and Kel called it a day and we all tried again for the Lap Bunts which had reappeared around the Limestone Pavement giving great views.A Short eared Owl appeared getting mobbed by the local Jackdaws.Then a dodgy propeller driven raptor appeared overhead, causing a bit of excitement and mirth for Marc and young Alex!
You sure the SEO wasn't motorised too?