Wednesday, 10 April 2013
Swallows, Sand Martins and Singing Bramblings
There were still 3 female and one singing male Brambling in the same spot of the Dingle last night and a pair at Lunchtime today. They like feeding on the catkins of the willows whilst basking in the sun.
There were 4 adult/2nd Summer Meds at Cemlyn tonight and I had a second winter (ie no hood) there last night.
Ynys y Fidlyn near Carmel head tonight produced several groups of hirundines, my first of the year. Firstly five Swallows, then 4 Sand Martins with one Swallow and then later another 4 Swallows. Its also a good spot down there to photograph Fulmars, and can turn up Black reds or Ring Ouzels at this time of year. There were dozens of Mippets streaming over as well. As I headed back past Llyn Carreglwyd by Rhydwyn at dusk 51 Alba Wags (apparently all Pieds) were gathering on wires prior to dropping into the reedbed to roost.
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