Friday, 7 June 2013
Brill wildlife at a field pond
You don't have to travel far to enjoy some great wildlife as I found out visiting a farmer's field pond near where I live in Penrhyn Bay. Four house martins and a swallow were hawking insects over the pond as I arrived and a very handsome downy moorhen chick swam away into cover. Blackcap sang nearby and plenty of the commoner birds were about, mnay carrying food. It was good to see a pair on broad bodied chasers hawking the pond while around the fringes several azure damselflies were on the wing. I counted seven species of butterfly, large, small, green veined whites, common tortoiseshell, speckled wood, red admiral and a holly blue was a pleasant surprise. The whole track was carpeted in what I think is jack by the hedge (but I could be wrong on that!).
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