Father's Day is great because I get to choose what to do! Well nearly. My request to travel to Trimley Marshes in Suffolk fell on deaf ears. But hey ho, with such great places on the doorstep, I wasn't too upset. We spent the whole day in the south western corner of Anglesey, walking several miles through Newborough Forest and along the beaches to Llanddwyn Island. A few nice birds included a group of 5 Crossbills in the Forest along with at least 4 Spotted Flycatchers, Siskins and Redpoll were also present. A few hours relaxing on Llanddwyn island produced a Little Tern feeding offshore with some 20+ Sandwich Tern, while a single Black Guillemot kept us company in the small bay for the afternoon. Two spanking summer plumaged Turstones put on a good show as did the local seals. With the sun out all day and the water sparkling blue, I couldn't resist a dip in the sea and a relax after the hard slog of spring this year. It felt as though summer was finally upon us.

What a cracker a summer plumaged Turnstone is. This bird, in full breeding attire was with another, slightly less colourful bird.
This Black Guillemot kept us company all afternoon in the bays of Llanddwyn Island. Couldn't see another one unfortunately so don't think it was a breeder.
The Linnets were very vocal and very colourful on the Island.
Not sure if this wa sa breeder on the Island or a very late migrant. It was feeding and calling at the tip of the island.
This big bull Atlantic Grey Seal kept bobbing up as if to say hello.
Cracking photos
ReplyDeleteYes great pics and a interesting read thank you