Still quite quiet, but I had my first two Swallows of the year (Tony had 4 yesterday and two at RAF Valley on Tuesday) and my first Sandwich tern. The overwintering Whimbrel was still on the Trwyn today, There were 3 RT Divers in the bay earlier this week. No Wheatears today but Tony had two yesterday. Martin had 4 ad, 1 second summer and 2 first summer Meds yesterday. Two Chiffchaffs were singing but no Willow Warblers yet. There's still about 50 + Goldies around and there were 30 Oystercatchers yesterday. A stoat was a nice surprise as I headed home.
Saw Sandwich Terns this morning , had at least 2 wheatear on the trwyn. Med gulls showing well 2 swallow fulmar this am