It would appear that the wintering Twite flock at Connah's Quay nature reserve have started to disperse back to their breeding grounds.

During the late winter ringing at CQNR only 1 definite Nant Ffrancon bird was re caught with other recaptures being from NW Scotland. A number of birds ringed there last winter were also recorded.
Could north Wales birders over the next couple of weeks keep their eyes peeled for Twite on the coast as they travel back to their Snowdonia breeding grounds.
The recent BTO Atlas shows some records on the edge of the Berwyn mountains, a site where historically they have occurred. The Clwydian range appears to be perfect habitat for them so there may well be some hiding up there as well.
Any sightings to either Kelvin Jones at BTO Cymru or Ian Spence, Clwyd Bird recorder please. All birds that have been ringed have individual colour combinations which allows us to accurately monitor this fast declining species.
Will do :-)