green sandpiper yesterday (23rd) is the first of the autumn passage, and we've noticed a few
redshanks (around a dozen) and
curlews (up to 30) here this week, all signs of southbound migration. There are lots of young birds around at the moment, especially
sedge warblers, which seem to be having an excellent breeding season. A
kingfisher was seen this morning (24th) and a
water rail reported on Monday (20th) were the first reported for a while.

Also, a plug for The Big Nature Count, the reserve's bioblitz event in partnership with Cofnod. It would be great to see naturalists from across North Wales helping to audit the wildlife on the reserve, so please do come down on Sunday 3 July to help.
There'll be lots of activities and expert walks throughout the day, as well as bird-ringing with BTO Cymru, and an opportunity to meet a wide range of local wildlife groups.
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