Saturday, 10 September 2016
RSPB Conwy sightings board
The long-staying garganey and great white egret remain here, although the latter seems to spend more time in the estuary than on the lagoons now. A male common scoter has frequented the Deep Lagoon since Tuesday (6th), a scarce but annual visitor here. A wheatear was a nice sight on the Paddocks on Wednesday (7th), while this week's waders include spotted redshank and curlew sandpiper (both until 4th only), greenshank, ruff, green sandpiper, knot, whimbrel, green and common sandpiper, and ringed plover. 20 goosanders on the estuary was a high count for the site, while a yellow-legged gull on Monday (5th) was a good find, as was a count of 27 Sandwich terns on Saturday (3rd). Six barnacle geese, of unknown origin, were on the lagoons on Wednesday (7th).
For more details, including what lies behind a record site count of little egrets, take a look at the reserve blog. Thanks to Dave Williams for the excellent photo.
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