Been up to Cemlyn a lot recently while guiding - always produces great birds! There have been a few reports of Roseate Terns but as far as I am aware the only defo bird was one seen by David Wright one evening. People have come over and said they have had Roseates on a number of occasions "it was not a Sandwich but had a black bill so we knew it was a Roseate"!! A tip is not to base any bird ID on a single feature and then ignore the rest of the bird! There are at least two first summer Arctic Terns at Cemlyn that have black bills, so treat reports of Roseates with caution. But as David has shown there could be one knocking about, or perhaps something even rarer given Cemlyns amazing track record for mega terns?
Still got space on our third Norfolk trip, first two full, the dates are Saturday 25th June - Monday 27th June. Having done two earlier trips we should have all the special breeding birds nailed down! For more info email or call Alan on 07778 677141.
Good Birding!
Alan and Ruth