Saturday 24 January 2015

RING OUZELS - Nant Francon

2 today in Nant Francon.  Second weekend up there looking for them.  First searched the area Brian had them, but no joy.  Later tried an area where I had a number of winter thrushes last Saturday on the A5 side of the river.  As you travel up the valley from Bethesda, there is a lay bye on the right which over looks a farm which I believe is called Braich tu du.  From a quick look at a map, this looks to be at SH6462.  The 2 birds were in the rocky enclosure below the road of the north end of the lay bye (Bethesda end). At one point they flew into a evergreen stunted tree on the far side of the lane to the farm.  After a while they dropped to the lane, worked their way through the wire fencing and back into the rocky enclosure.  A birder I met on the other side of the valley said that he had been told that their had been a family party of 6 birds in the valley during the late autum / early winter.  Anyway, my first January record so a big thanks to Brian for getting the news out.

1 comment:

  1. Still at least 2 male Ring Ouzels today Nant Ffrancon.
