Every birder has their favorite Sea-watching spot for various reasons. Mine is Bull bay headland. Probably because it's near to Cemaes and only requires a short walk from the car parking area and more importantly some of the birds come very close. This means even if you don't see anything that unusual you can still get some nice close photos of Gannets and Kittiwakes flying by at close quarters. There is also a "Rock-chair" at the end of the headland that I find very handy to lean back on as I sit down sea-watching. I have self-diagnosed myself with attention deficit syndrome so if the passage is slow I can get bored quite easily. Also the fact that the windy weather tends to be the best conditions for sea-watching, as some-what of a Wind-a-phobe, I suppose it's amazing I go sea-watching at all. However, when there's a good passage, Sea-watching can be hard to beat as it's really enjoyable and quite rewarding. This morning was one of those days. I will list the highlights now of what I saw today between 8.45 and 12 noon, followed by a selection of photos of today's sightings.
Leach's Storm Petrel 4 (2 were quite close), Balearic Shearwater 1, Little gull 2 (1 ad, 1 1 juv), Arctic Skua 5, Risso's Dolphin 2, Porpoise 8 sightings, Grey Seal 1, Grey Heron 1, Kittiwake c.2K, Gannet 300, Manx Shearwater 100, Fulmar 2, Painted Lady plus a Kingfisher as I got in my car.
Gannets pass very close |
Juvenile Kittiwakes are very striking |
Point Lynas visible to the East |
Leach's Petrel |
Leach's Petrel |
Leach's Petrel |
Leach's Petrel |
It's a great spot for Harbour Porpoise |
Harbour Porpoise |
Atlantic Grey Seal |
Arctic Skua |
Arctic Skua |
Juv Little Gull and 2 Kittiwakes |
Juv Little Gull and Kittiwake |
Little Gull and Kittiwakes |
Manx Shearwater |
Balearic Shearwater, Manxie and BHG. |
Balearic Shearwater and Manxie |
Balearic Shearwater |
Balearic Shearwater |
Adult Gannet |
Juvenile Gannet |
Adult Gannet |
Distant Leach's Petrel |
Distant Leach's Petrel |
Common Guillimot |
Sandwich Tern |
Gannet and Leach's Petrel |
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