Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Another Golden Oriole near Cemlyn

A Golden Oriole was heard singing near Llanfairynghornwy yesterday morning but not since. A resident who recorded the bird, played the flutey song back to me down the phone today. If you're in the Cemlyn area it may be worth checking any wooded areas including the churchyard at Llan. Even if there are no birds you could always visit the interesting looking grave of famous Welsh Artist Kyffin Williams.


  1. Excellent Steve . Hope it sticks.

  2. Fabulous if it is a 'sticker', was looking for a likely destination in Wales for a few days birding!

    Tim@Timbobaggins Abroad

  3. I would imagine there's a strong possibility that this is the Cemlyn bird from back in April.



  4. I think it is another bird. North Anglesey isn't ideal nesting habitat for Orioles and I was amazed how long the last bird hung around for. There was another flurry of Orioles into the UK recently so I think it is more likely it came in recently instead of it being the old bird hanging around.
