Had a cracking day in Montomeryshire with local birder Paul Leafe today. Highlight included finding 3 Tundra Bean Geese at Dolydd Hafren LNR while 2 lovely Mealy Redpolls at Welshpool Flash came a close second. The Great Grey Shrike at Hafren Forest showed superbly while the day finished with superb views of a male Goshawk chasing some 30,000 Starlings (including an albino bird!) before they went to roost. Other birds included 23 Whooper Swans at Aberhasefp, 4 Red Grouse, 3 Green Sandpipers, Marsh Tit, Dipper, 40+ Tree Sparrow, 40+ Yellowhapper, Woodcock, 3 Crossbill, 3 Brambling and 2 Red Kite. Thanks to Iolo Williams for the pictures of the 3 Bean Geese; he caught up with them at nearby Caerhowel an hour later. The other photos are of the superb starling flock at Staylittle which attracted a male Goshawk and 2 Sparrowhawks, the Great Grey Shrike at Hafren Forest and photos of Mealy Redpoll which was taken at Welshpool Flash near the lesiure centre. More pics here by Paul - http://montgomerybirdblog.blogspot.com/
Great Grey Shrike footage - http://youtu.be/gJ38VwR6IMM
Goshawk with Starlings - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oghvkhspqW0&feature=youtu.be
superb pictures