Thursday, 22 December 2011

Anglesey Ring necked Parakeet in Benllech

The male ring necked parakeet has been hanging out at SH 515824.
It has been between Fern Hill estate and Breeze Hill. Walk SW from the police station along the path that follows a stream through a linear woodland. The bird has been hanging around a garden in this area.


  1. This bird has been coming to a feeder at this spot for 3 to 4 weeks now, as I had a chat with the chap who lives there. It is best viewed from the above footpath. In the first garden on the right with obvious feeders/bird-table after the For Sale sign on the fence. It roosts in the nearby huge clump og Leylandae.

  2. Martin had it flying over this area calling on Boxing Day around 2pm.
