Saturday, 17 December 2011

Heads down

It was a case of keeping your head down in the wind, rain and sleet at Rhos Point this afternoon with the roosting purple sands, turnstones, ringed plover and dunlin doing their best to stay warm in the awful conditions. Out to sea a drake common eider flew past among a party of cormorants and several kittiwakes were blown close inshore.


  1. Might be more than one eider in the photo Julian?

  2. Sharp eyes there!! Rob Sandham had 3 at same place so those 3 left hand birds could well be them. Was photographing waders when they flew past so never put my bins on them!

  3. Yeap same ones I saw. Drake and 2 Duck with 5 Corms. Sorry I was just passing and spotted them while driving so pulled over- didnt see you there
