Presumably the Whimbrel which has over-wintered at Cemlyn.

Two Wheatears were on the rocks.

An adult Med flew out of the colony giving off it's characteristic call.

As it was my first spring trip I was quite shocked to see the extent of the vegetation clearance that has taken place on the Trwyn. This photo shows the area of gorse and brambles where the Bluethroat was and where Grasshopper warblers have frequented in the breeding season. All cut down now, leaving less cover for migrants and breeding habitat. But why chop it down??? Any ideas??? It has openened up the area enabling vehicles like the one in this photo to park where they shouldn't be!

Richard Birch showing the correct pose to adopt whilst using one's telescope!

Richard in the field.

My little bug eyed monster (Rhys) joined us. He was actually well behaved and particularly enjoyed the 10+Sandwich Terns and the Little Egret. There were still around 50+ Golden Plover knocking around and 5 Shoveller.
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