A meeting in Old Colwyn meant I had a little bit of time to bird before and during lunch today. On a arrival on the Orme, my first 'Orme' Willow Warbler of the year was in full song (above). More bits and pieces on the Orme blog.
Lunchtime I had a quick look from the layby at Old Colwyn, the one just before where the Hotel 70degrees use to be. Good views from here and a great height as everything is visible despite a swell. The light as good and Surf Scoters were soon picked up - 3 drakes together and a female. The three drakes are certainly on heat and were constantly stalking the poor lady - a sort of Surfie follow my leader with the duck at the front. Other notable ducks amongst the 10,000 Common Scoter included a fine female Long tailed Duck, a drake Scaup and up to six Velvet Scoters (may have been 12 or the same group of 6 moving about). If you haven't been up there yet, you must - what a spectacle, and one which wont be around from much longer I would think.
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