After Steve Stansfield's comment on Icelanic Redwings the other day I asked him for some photos which he kindly provided. I also fished out some Anglesey Redwing photos and some recent Icelandic Redwing photos to compare and contrast. Barring the finer detail which I'm sure Steve will point out, the Icelandic birds are more darker and heavily marked ( a bit like comparing Rock to Water Pipits). Also the malar stripe is much darker black and thicker in the Icelandic birds, giving them an appearance similar to female Black throated thrushes. Ironically putting this togeather reminded me that female Black throated Thrushes have always reminded me of big Rock Pipits! Anyway, there's something else to look at next time you have some Redwings putting on a show for you!
Great post Steve. Do Icelandic Redwings stay later? I've never knowingly seen one, however I remember seeing a Redwing in the hawthorns on the Orme on May 30th a few years ago and the dark, heavily marked appearance struck me at the time. Pretty sure now it must have been Icelandic. However, at the time I put it down to being in full breeding plumage!