Saturday, 9 April 2011

Coed Llandegla to the Orme 9th April

A great day started with a visit to Coed Llandegla to the RSPB’s Black Grouse hide.  See:
Plenty Crossbill around (probably over 200 by the end) but as we were watching the 6 grouse the sky became alive with the call of Brambling.  I thought maybe a few in a Chaffinch flock but they were all Brambling 300+ in first flock but I soon realised the eastern edge of the forest was teeming with them. They were feeding on the ground, in larch, everywhere.  At least 600 possibly over 1000 birds in all.  I’ve never seen or heard anything like it!

 Hiding Brambling-best i could get!

A walk around Castell Dinas Bran also gave 2 Pied Fly, plenty Redstart, 2 Tripit, Whinchat and surprisingly another Brambling in woods to the NE of the hill.  Great area to bird too - looks almost alpine!
Back to the Orme for the stunning Dotterel and it allowed for great views, walking towards the crowd although one eejit insisted on shuffling closer and closer.  Not to spoil a great day though.


  1. I love that middle picure Rob - it's looking at you as though it want's you to feed it! Had the photographer got a white bobble hat on? Name and shame I say! :-)

  2. It wasn't me! I love the Brambling photo it's ace.
