Thursday, 14 February 2013

Llanddulas Norweigan ringed BH Gull and Albino Oyc

A quick trip to the beach today was really interesting. There is a Norweigan ringed Black-headed Gull in the Car Park. Im still waiting for the details but it is ringed by Lista Ringing Group, Southern Norway. It is just about possible to make out Stavanger on the ring. 4 Velvet Scoter and a Scaup off-shore.


Further down the coast there is an albino Oystercatcher. Apparently there is an article about these birds in the January issue of British Birds which I dont have a copy of.



  1. Good record. I keep checking those and never had a ringed bird there.

  2. Norwegian ringed black headed gull on Llandullas beach today (Feb 19).
